Appointment prep
Preparing for your appointment is equally as important as following aftercare instructions. But before we get into pre-appointment instructions, first read over our list of contraindications and see if you are a candidate for the services we offer.
Key takeaways:
Exfoliate your lips for 7 days leading up to your appointment.
If you have ever had a cold sore before, be sure to obtain, and take, your prescription for an antiviral medication. L-Lysine is an alternative to this — see below.
To not drink caffeine or take blood thinner the day of your appointment.
Make sure you eat something, have consumed no caffeine, and are well rested! Do not exercise the day of your appointment. Also, please remember to bring your state issued ID!
Feel free to bring any photos of lip blush you love for reference. Instagram is a great place to find this inspiration! Search hashtags like #lipblush #healedlipblush
Remember that the initial outcome is bright but the healed result will be more soft and natural.
Avoid caffeine and anything else that can thin the blood and/or raise blood pressure. This includes: coffee, caffeinated tea, energy drinks, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, and vitamin E. Tylenol is OK. This is very important. Not only because it makes it easier for us to work on your lips, but more importantly, is imperative for your best healed results. Also, blood thinners can cause bruising. Excess bleeding makes it more difficult to implant pigment into the lip tissue and can cause patchy healed results.
* All of these 24 hour prior guidelines apply to day of appointment as well.
For a more comprehensive list of blood thinning medications please click here. It is of the utmost importance that you are not taking these medications prior to and during your brow procedure!
No waxing directly around the lip area or intense UV exposure.
Begin an L-Lysine regimen. 500mg taken twice daily. Continue taking L-Lysine for 5 days post procedure to minimize the risk of a cold sore outbreak. This is optional and only a requirement if you are unable to obtain your antiviral prescription from your doctor.
Exfoliate your lips daily with a sugar scrub to slough off any dryness. Dry lip skin will create issues performing the lip blush procedure as well as create the potential for patchy healed results. Do this daily for the 7 days leading up to your appointment.
Discontinue taking any fish oil supplements (thins the blood).
If you are on antibiotics, the cycle must be completed one week prior to your appointment date.
All lip filler treatments must be performed at least two weeks prior to your lip blush procedure to allow time for them to fully heal.
Optional: Start on an Arnica regimen to help reduce the possibility of bruising. Please see our FAQ section for more information about arnica. You can find arnica online or at your local pharmacy or drugstore.
Make sure you have planned to see your doctor for a prescription for Valaciclovir (an antiviral also known as Valtrex) this is only necessary if you have had a cold sore in the past, even if it has been years. The virus that causes cold cores can lay dormant but will be activated from the the lip blush treatment itself.
Take the prescription as prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to advise them on the reasoning for your prescription. Remember to do this same regimen for your touchup appointment. Let your provider know you will need enough of this prescription for both services.
It is always best to follow the direction given to you by your doctor. We recommend taking your antiviral medication for five days leading up to your appointment and five days following (ten days total).
If you have had chemotherapy you must wait a minimum of six months and provide a doctors note to clear you for your cosmetic tattoo procedure.
You must be off Accutane for 6 months prior to your appointment.
Lip blush after treatment
We cannot continue with your procedure if you have an active cold sore outbreak on or around the lip area or are on antibiotics (it is ideal to wait 7-10 days after finishing a round of antibiotics).
Please note: If you are currently on your menstrual cycle you may experience pain differently than you typically would and may be more sensitive to pain. Although we use topical anesthetics before and during the procedure, it is possible you may still experience pain to a greater degree due to this. Please schedule accordingly.
Failing to follow these instructions will affect your results in many ways. For example, if you consume caffeine or a blood thinner (blood thinning medications) during the time frame stated above, it becomes more difficult to implant ink into the skin. This can greatly affect your tattoo, potentially resulting in excess fading, patchiness or uneven healed results.