Following aftercare instructions is imperative for proper healing, and proper healing = the best possible results for your brows.
Taking care of your brows:
Immediately following your appointment:
You may notice a clearish fluid surfacing on your brows. This is lymph fluid, is completely normal, and is your body beginning the process of healing. Every 30 minutes, or as lymph fluid appears on the brows, use the provided water wipes in your aftercare kit to gently wipe your brows. Do this for 2 hours post appointment. Never rub or scrub your new brows as they heal. You may need to blot often, the more the better. If you do not remove this fluid you increase your chances of scabbing exponentially, and we want to avoid that as much as possible.
Your brows may be slightly red and sensitive to the touch. This should subside relatively quickly (just a few hours) but this temporary redness can last longer if you have sensitive skin. Please avoid touching your fresh new brows, it is important to avoid getting bacteria into the area.
First evening:
Using the provided cleanser, apply one pump of foam (divided between both brows) onto the brow area. Add a small amount of water and very gently clean your brows using your fingertips going in the direction of your hair growth ONLY. Do not rub or scrub, as this will only irritate the area and hinder proper healing. Rinse gently but thoroughly with water.
Dry thoroughly by softly patting with a clean paper towel (DO NOT USE A USED HAND TOWEL). Apply a very small half rice grain sized amount of the provided balm to each brow going in the direction of hair growth using clean fingertips. The amount to be applied is akin to a light layer of chapstick. Think chapstick, not lipgloss when applying.
Day 2-5 (or until flaking begins):
Wash your brows and apply balm in the same manner as described above every morning when you wake up and in the evening before bed. Do this every single day until your brows begin the flaking phase, which is typically around day 5.
Day 5-10 (or until flaking has stopped):
Flaking typically begins around day 5, sometimes sooner for combo and powder brows. Once this process begins your brows are no longer an open wound and you can discontinue washing your brows twice a day due to the drastic decrease in risk of infection. Another reason we have you discontinue cleansing is to reduce the possibility of disturbing the flaking skin. These flakes are the shedding of the epithelial layer of skin and it is absolutely imperative that they fall off on their own. Failure to allow this skin to shed itself naturally may result in pigment loss.
Feeling itchy? You may apply a very small amount of brow balm to your brows to help alleviate the tightness and itchiness that can oftentimes accompanies this phase of healing. Avoid the urge to itch your brows during this time.
When your brows are no longer flaky (Typically between day 10-14), this phase of healing is complete and you can resume regular activities, for the most part. You will still want to take care to protect your fresh brows, and the new skin that covers them, from UV exposure.
Aftercare kits:
We provide every client with a thoughtfully made, complimentary aftercare kit that includes everything you will need to take care of your brand new brows as they heal.
We have very carefully selected these products based on the efficacy of their ingredients, how well they promote healing, and because they do not contain unnecessary filler ingredients, petroleum derived products (these types of ingredients can easily suffocate the brows, hindering proper oxygen flow, which is absolutely paramount during healing!), chemicals, or other unnatural additives. We use different aftercare products for different skin types. The products we use are specifically formulated for optimized healing and for your best possible healed results.
PLEASE NOTE: The products in your aftercare kit are to last through the healing of your initial session as well as your touchup. If you run out of product before your brows have healed or before you’ve even had your touch up, you are using too much product!
Remember, a little goes a long way. Only a small amount of the provided cleanser is needed at each use, and a half rice grain sized amount of balm for each brow is needed for each application. Sometimes even less is necessary for those with oilier skin types.
If you run out, or misplace your aftercare kit, you can purchase a new one for a small fee. We always have extras on hand!
For the first 10-14 days (or until all flaking has stopped)
Things to avoid
NO swimming, saunas, lakes, rivers, etc. Do not submerge the brows in water while they are healing.
NO sweating or exercising (the salt in sweat can hinder healing and change the color of your brows).
NO tanning or other direct UV exposure (wear a large rimmed hat to protect brows if you will be in the sun, do NOT apply sunscreen during the first 10-14 days).
Do not apply makeup on or around the brows until flaking has stopped.
NEVER pull or pick at any flaking skin! This is of the utmost importance. Doing so may lead to loss of color, scarring, extended healing time, and permanent damage.
Avoid sleeping on your face.
Do not use any products on your brows other than the ones provided to you in your aftercare kit. This includes avoiding Neosporin, Aquaphor, any other petroleum based product, lotions, etc.
Do not use any products that lighten, tighten, or brighten EVER on your brows. This will cause them to fade prematurely and can cause them to turn ashy or other undesirable tones.
Do not apply any extra aftercare balm in addition to normal post washing applications.
Avoid touching the brow area unnecessarily during healing.
Do not allow children or animals to touch the brow area, avoid dusty atmospheres.
Things to do
Remember to wipe your brows with the water wipes from your aftercare kit every 30 minutes for 2 hours post procedure.
Always dry brows thoroughly before applying balm.
After washing your brows, use a fresh clean tissue or paper towel when drying. Use a new tissue or towel each time you wash.
Use a clean pillow case to help keep bacteria from the area.
Take short and cool showers (5 minutes is ideal) which will help you avoid excess steam on the brows, which will loosen any healing skin and result in premature pigment loss.
In the shower, take care to keep face out of the stream of water. It is much too rough for your brows. Do not touch or wash brows in the shower.
Be gentle with your healing brows at all times. Take care of your new investment.
Use sunscreen after the flaking phase is complete.
Aftercare card with instructions
The phases of healing
what to expect:
Your new healing brows will go through a few different phases in the first 30 days. Here is what to expect:
DAY 1: Fresh beautiful new brows! Maybe a little red and swollen.
DAY 2-4: Your brows will look much darker and a bit bold, this is completely normal and temporary. DO NOT BE ALARMED! This is to be expected during the first few days of the healing process.
DAY 5-14: Flaking may occur and is often accompanied by itching and tightness. It is IMPERATIVE that you do not scratch your brows or pick at the flakes. This can Not only cause the loss of pigment but can cause scarring as well, as previously mentioned.
DAY 14-30+: Flaking has stopped and a shiny new layer of outer skin has formed. This is the beginning of what is sometimes referred to as the “disappearing phase”. This brand new epithelial skin is slightly milky and a bit opaque, making it harder to see the pigment in your skin. That, coupled with macrophage cells still working away below the surface, can make it look as though your brows are gone! (or at least much lighter than you had expected them to be) These macrophage cells are essentially holding some of these pigment molecules hostage down in the deeper dermal layers of the skin. In the coming weeks the macrophage cells will release the pigment molecules back to the epidermal-dermal junction where they will stay, and you will begin to see the reappearance of your brows. This is a process known as “blooming”.
6-8 WEEKS: Your brows are FULLY HEALED! It is now time for your touchup session to assess healing and perfect those new brows! *Touchup to be performed between 6-8 weeks post initial procedure.
Long term care:
It is important to take care of your new brows beyond the first few weeks to keep them looking beautiful. With proper care, your brows may last well over a year or two. However, there are many things that can cause them to fade more quickly or even change their color over time.
Things to do:
Strictly follow aftercare instructions, this is imperative for your best healed brows. Your brow artist has no control over your brows once you leave our studio, it is your responsibility to adhere to all aftercare instructions, both long term and short term.
Wear tattoo safe SPF on your brows on a regular basis. We recommend Cannasmack tattoo safe sunscreen stick. Click here to purchase.
Keep your brows looking fresh by keeping up on your annual touch ups when needed (every 1-2 years on average).
Contact Alillian Tattoo with any and all concerns or questions.
Things to Avoid:
Smoking, it will cause premature fading.
UV light, it will cause premature fading.
Any products on your brows that contain ingredients meant to “lighten, tighten, or brighten” the skin. These products should ALWAYS be avoided on or around the brows.
Any products that contain active ingredients, including but not limited to, linoleic acid, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, salicylic acid, etc. There is a VERY high likelihood that your brows will change color (either warm or ashy) if you use anything containing these ingredients on, or around, your brow tattoo. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and it is best to avoid putting ANY active ingredients on your tattooed brows.
All retinoids. This includes retinol, Retin-A, retinoic acid (tretinoin). Retinoids are chemically related to vitamin A, keep an eye out for vitamin A on ingredient lists as well. Something to also be aware of is that Retin-A is about 100X stronger than your average retinol cream. Retinoids have “cellular communication” within the skin so you want to avoid ever putting retinoids on, or even close to, your brows. This includes your forehead!
Certain thyroid medications (specifically synthetic ones) can cause your brows to turn ashy in color or can cause more rapid pigment loss. Please see our list of contraindications for more information.
Please note:
Please remember, these time frames are averages and are considered typical. Your brows may heal, as well as fade, at a slightly different rate.