Frequently Asked Questions
There are a number of reasons we no longer offer microblading as a service. One big one is creative freedom. Nano does not carry the same artistic and technical limitation that microblading does. For example, with microblading the strokes absolutely cannot cross and they cannot touch much at all. If they do they “blow out” and create a lovely mess of pigment! With Nano there is no such rule and this allows for more realistic results for YOU. Nano can do everything microblading can do and a whole lot more.
Inclusivity. Nano is a technique that works well for a much broader range of people. With microblading, about 30% or less of the clients we see have prime skin for the service. Yes, only 30%, and an ideal healed result on this small demographic is still only possible IF aftercare and prepare instructions are followed to a T. (Always follow aftercare, with nano, powder brows, anything! It’s imperative. Always). Oilier and combo skin can now get hairstroke style brows with better success, along with more mature/thin skin, textured skin, darker skin tones (Fitzpatrick 5 & 6), and other skin types/tones that do not typically heal as well with microblading alone due to their skins structure and/or individual chemistry.
One of the biggest reasons: It is less traumatic for the skin. Less trauma = less damage, which equates to better healed results and preservation of the integrity of YOUR skin, which is number one! Over time, even when done perfectly by a highly trained professional, there is still a higher risk of scarring with microblading vs. machine methods. It just comes with the territory of microblading. Both Nano and powder are machine methods where we have more control and thus can give a better, healthier result.
Oh, and a bonus, it’s less painful, lasts longer, involves zero bleeding and is all around a better time for all!
Put plainly, nano is a superior modality of cosmetic tattooing and it is important to us that we offer the the best service to our clients, even if it is more work, takes extra skill, training, and ability. If we can do something that is better for the skin then I believe we should. Alillian Brows has grown and that means change, and this is surely a good one.
Machine method brows. We believe that the more people learn and educate themselves about the process and what microblading/Nano entails the more people will be desiring to make the switch from microblading to Nano. Doing what is best for each and every client’s skin SO important to us, and it should be at the forefront for all cosmetic tattooists. For the reasons listed above, we hope the industry as a whole continues to move toward machine based methods and in order to help accomplish this, Alillian Tattoo is now offering one on one, small group trainings, and online training (geared for those already in the industry). For more information on trainings visit our trainings page.
Please see our page of services for detailed information on each of the services we offer.
Expect there to be some discomfort involved, although it is quite minimal. Nano Brows are done all by a specialized machine and a very fine single needle and is much less painful than microblading (which is done buy making small cuts in the skin). Nano is done by a single needle implanting pigment by very quickly entering and exiting the skin, creating connective microdots to form each hairstroke. Regardless of the fact pain is quite minimal, we use a topical anesthetic throughout the process. If you begin to feel too much pain, communicate that and we will numb you right back up. Pain is experienced differently by each individual but is always something we try to keep to an absolute minimum for the duration of your procedure. Believe it or not, some clients actually fall asleep!
Please disclose to Us If you have trouble numbing at the dentist. it is possible you will have trouble numbing during your brow procedure.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are close to, or currently on your menstrual cycle, you may experience pain differently than you typically would and may be more sensitive to pain. As a result, it is possible you may experience pain to a greater degree, even with the use of anesthetics. Remember, most medications that provide pain relief are strictly prohibited prior to and during your procedure (Tylenol is OK). Please plan accordingly! Please see our appointment prep page for more information.
No. You must wait until after your pregnancy.
It is recommended you are not breastfeeding due to hormonal changes in the body that can effect the longevity of your tattoo.
For more contraindications please see our page am I a candidate for cosmetic tattooing?
18 years old. No exceptions!
Price varies by service and is dictated by the amount of effort, detail and time that goes into each set of brows. Cosmetic tattooing is a meticulous process, not a single detail overlooked.
Creating your new brows is a two part process. There is the initial appointment and the 8-12 week follow up/perfecting session. Luxury Nano Brows are currently priced at $745, with a $185 touchup. Shading is always included with all Nano services. Powder brows are $695 with a $185 touchup. The price difference is due to the additional skill required to create a set of Nano Brows, because the appointment is longer, and the highly specialized nature of the service.
Once your touchup is complete your set to go for 1-3 years! That’s a total of 91 hours saved each year, if you previously spent just 15 minutes a day on your brows! If you spent closer to 30 minutes a day on your brows, that’s almost 8 full DAYS you save each year, just on brows alone.
For more detailed information on our services, please see our services page.
it absolutely is! Your initial session is where we lay the “ground work” for your brows. Think of your touchup as your perfecting session. We evaluate how you healed and how the pigment took to your skin. It’s only after you have completely healed (6 weeks) after your first session that we can best evaluate how to achieve your desired results. This is because every person heals differently and will have fading/shrinking (totally normal!) at different rates and in different places in the brow. At your touch up, or “perfecting session”, we can:
Go bigger
Go bolder
Go over faded strokes
Adjust shape and/or color
Add density and create depth (which creates a more realistic brow)
All of out cosmetic brow services are two part processes (sometimes three! Although this is not typical). Your brows are NOT considered complete until after your 8-12 week touch up. Without this all important touchup your brows will fade much faster than if you followed through with your touchup. You will also miss out on annual touchup pricing (it is more than 50% less than your initial appointment) if you fail to get your initial touchup.
It is not typical, but sometimes a third session may be required to achieve your desired results. An additional touchup fee of $150 will be charged for a third session if this third touchup is needed, and done within 12 weeks of your first touchup (second appointment).
Please refer to our services page for more information on additional touchups.
After paperwork is complete, we will talk about your brow goals and desired outcome. This would be the time to show us any photos of brows that you love. We will then analyze your skin’s type and undertone, your bone structure and your natural brow hair growth pattern, as well as your facial shape. Taking all of these things into consideration, as well as your desires and preferences, we create a natural and flattering shape based off of your unique features. Utilizing a number of measuring methods and our natural eye, we create as much symmetry as possible for your brows. We aim for twins, but truly the brows are sisters. It is important to understand that our faces are non-symmetrical surfaces and true perfect symmetry on the face is an illusion the eye perceives. A number of things can throw off this perceived symmetry. Some of these things include, one brow bone being more prominent than the other, your hair line, one brow sitting higher than the other due to the facial muscles, differences in hair growth patterns on each brow, etc. After the initial shape is created we will allow you to make changes to our design, however we do ask you stay within certain guidelines to an extent. We won’t move forward with the procedure until you are happy with the shape!
Yes! There are limitations directly following the procedure while your brows are healing as well as for the long term, although minimal.
Immediately following procedure: NO direct sun, direct contact with water — aside from your specific brow washes that are apart of your aftercare routine, sweating, products on or directly around the brows other than what we provide you with, exposure to steam, facial treatments of any type, or brow makeup for 10-14 days (or once flaking has stopped). NO botox for at least 2 weeks. NO laser treatments, peels or microneedling for 30 days. Avoid touching your face unless with clean hands and during washing.
Long term: You will want to protect brows from direct sun exposure, including from tanning beds. Once your brows have completely the initial healing phase a tattoo safe SPF can be used. We sell them in our shop for $12. You can also find them here. Avoid putting anything on the brows that contain active ingredients. Especially anything that lightens, tightens or brightens. It is also important to keep up on your touchups every year or two. If you wait too long, they may fade excessively, causing a change in your touchup price once you do come in for your refresh.
For detailed information on short and long term care, please visit our aftercare page.
It varies. Despite being technically permanent, cosmetic tattooing is meant to fade over time and there are many factors that contribute to how long your tattoo will last. After your 8-12 week touch up your new brows should be good for anywhere from 1-2 years before needing further touch ups or “color boosts”. Nano brows last longer than microblading (a service we no longer offer!) Generally, clients choose to come in for annual color boosts every 1-2 years and are rewarded with a great discount for keeping up on their brow maintenance. Touchups are a normal, and expected, part of cosmetic tattooing. There IS maintenance required, although minimal, when compared to other beauty treatments, and you should be prepared for that.
NOTE: Although not considered typical, some people may need additional touchups to achieve their desired result. For more information please refer to our services page.
We use the highest quality pigments on the market. They are EO sterilized and made in the USA. The pigments we use are meant to fade into lighter versions of the original color as your tattoo ages, not change into funky colors. It is possible, however, that the color will change into different tones based on the individual’s response to the pigment, to no fault of the technician or client. There ARE things that should be avoided to minimize the chance of this, however. Please see our appointment prep page for more info.
Some things that DO determine how long your tattoo may last: The skin care products you use (anything that lightens, tightens, or brightens should ALWAYS be avoided on or around the brow area after you’ve had cosmetic tattooing done), metabolism, age, skin type, general genetic disposition, UV exposure, if you smoke, the medications you take, and how well you follow your aftercare instructions during healing. All of these things can contribute to how the pigment breaks down in your skin over time and all generally fade your brow tattoo much more quickly.
Pigment color: Lighter pigment colors will fade faster than darker ones. For example, blonde pigment shades are likely to fade more quickly than dark brown shades.
General skin cell regeneration: This goes back to general genetic disposition and is worth mentioning twice. The longer the regeneration of your skin takes, the longer your pigment will last in the skin. The more quickly your skin regenerates itself, the more quickly pigment will fade. Younger people generally have quicker cell turnover compared to their older counterparts. This is something that is a normal and natural process of the body and cell regeneration varies by individual.
Not at all. The initial healing process is about 10-14 days (usually closer to 10). There is a specific aftercare protocol that all clients must follow to ensure optimal healed results and pigment retention. We provide everything you will need to care for your brows during this time with our custom aftercare kits, free of charge. (For more in depth info on what to expect during the healing process please see our aftercare page.)
There are many different ways that cosmetic tattoo artists have their clients take care of their brows while they heal. The scary and scabby healing process you may have heard about stems from an improper healing method where nothing is put on the brows, including water, for at least 10 days. That means no cleaning! Crazy right? Since we are essentially dealing with a wound, it is important that it is kept clean. If proper aftercare is followed you can expect light flaking of the skin during healing.
This varies, and is dependent upon a few varying factors: your skin type, how well you follow aftercare and lifestyle. The crispiest healed results will be achieved on those with normal and dry skin, however Nano brows can be done on oily skin with much success, unlike microblading.
As with all cosmetic tattooing, your brows will not be as crisp, dark, and defined as the day they are completed. This is normal and is due to the epidermal layer of skin that heals over the pigment, creating a sort of “filter” that both softens and neutralizes the pigment, both in color and Intensity. The healing of the epidermal layer of skin is also why your brows can be warmer in appearance initially yet the warmth disappears once healed.
Because this is a two part process, you may find that after one session your brows may be very light in color, this is ok and normal for a lot of people. Remember, this is a 2 part process. Keep in mind that it is always better to have your brows too light than too dark. We can always add pigment at touchup if the brows are too light, but we cannot take away. Many people find they prefer to ease into their new brows, especially given how dark they can be from day 1-5. An initial “brow shock” is real for some!
If you have an oilier skin type, your healed results may heal a little more soft than your normal and dry skin counterparts, and you may need touchups more often.
There is no way to know for absolute certain how your skin will take the pigment and heal until once you have actually healed. This is an inherent risk of cosmetic tattooing.
Over the years your cosmetic brow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a "powdered" look and may not maintain a crisp hairstroke look indefinitely, although this is possible to maintain with Nano. This is something to be aware of, is something that is quite normal and happens as the tattoo and skin ages. You can minimize this and keep your hair strokes looking great by getting annual refresher appointments every 1 - 2 years, although it is important to wait until your brows are about 50% faded to get your “annual” touchup. This is to avoid putting to much pigment into the skin which will have undesirable results.
Another aspect of long term healed results this is following aftercare, avoiding UV exposure and all products containing active ingredients on and around the brows.
Nope! We actually prefer it if you leave them as is, the more hair the better. Although, if you have very little hair that’s totally OK too and we can help you out with that!
At your appointment we will create a custom brow shape for you that flatters your bone structure and features. We will clean up any stray hairs as needed that fall outside of that shape, with your permission, of course. Some people like to keep all of their brow hairs for that youthful boy-brow look that is so popular right now.
It may be necessary to continue to remove hairs, by waxing or plucking, that are outside of your tattooed brow shape. This is an optional step in your brow upkeep.
See our aftercare page for detailed aftercare instructions!
Have Other Questions? Contact Us »
Yes! We specialize in corrective work and accept corrections on a case to case basis. Please email photos to
Nano brows post procedure
We have discontinued microblading and traditional combo brows (you can get an even better, more realistic look with Nano!) due to the fact these two services were suitable for a smaller number of clients and there was a better option for us to offer our clients. However, for very very oily skin a powder brow or hybrid brow will always be the most predictable option.